Accent On Language


Having a multilingual website is often imperative to reach the widest possible audience, but it can be a complete process – and translating the words online is just the beginning.

We have the tools and experienced staff to manage the content and architecture of your multi-language website. We translate and localize it to be culturally authentic while you stay focused on running your business, with a streamlined process that requires little from you.

Simply provide us with the URL that you would like translated and the languages you need to use, and we can provide a same day fast and reliable estimate for completing the work.

Translating your website with Accent on Languages

Process: There’s no need for you to create online new folders or sites, or pay for new servers, and manage the foreign language files; all the information is handled and managed for you by Accent on Languages automatically, making it a hassle-free process for you.

Automatic updates: When there is a change to the English version of the site, our translation teams are automatically alerted, and update the foreign language pages immediately.

Preview before delivery: you can see how the foreign language website is going to look before delivery, providing a valuable opportunity for your input before it goes live.

SEO friendly: Creating multi-language sites for your domain will immediately increase your website ranking in the web; the foreign language pages are searchable and indexable by the main Internet search providers (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Known as SEO, or search engine optimization, this is an important tool to improve your visibility and attract new customers.

Please contact us to learn more about our unparalleled website localization and management services, and how they can help your organization reach its best potential.

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